What We Do
From our first Eco Art Camp in 2013 we have supported 14 scholarships, 2 artist awards, dozens of community workshops and two community benches.
Our Mission
We, the family and friends of Tess Senay Raynovich, work to ensure that Tess's life is remembered by supporting artists, students, and community organizations that share her artistic vision and respect for our natural resources.
“I leave your my portrait so that you will have my presence all the day and night that I am away from you.” ~ Frida Kahlo
What We’ve Achieved
Eco Art Summer Camp.
Youth Places Eco Art workshops
Dia de los Muertos community event.
14 Scholarships to seniors at Quaker Valley High School. (Tess’s alma mater)
ReNew Festival Pittsburgh Artist Award.
Tess Senay Eco-Art Prize (partnership with Pittsburgh Center for Creative Reuse)
Tess Senay Raynovich Eco Art Series workshops @Sweetwater Center for the Arts
Tess is Love Bench Project.